Finca El Mirador

Natural Resources

Shade Trees: Tachuelo, Guamos, Yarumos, Cachimbos, Cedros, Eucalyptus, Fruit Trees

Wildlife: Birds Goriones, Parrots, Woodpeckers. Mammals Rabbits

Water Resources: One creek

Soil: Sandy Clay

Living Barriers: Eucalyptus


Wet Coffee Processing: Ecologic

Drying Method: Parabolic using the sun

Wastewater treatment System: Mineral Water

Pulp Treatment: Composting using amendments

El Mirador

Municipality: Pitalito

Vereda: Ingali

Altitude: 1,508 msnm

Coordinates: 0,184545, -76,16889

Total Area: 9,0 Hectare

Coffee Area: 8.08 Hectare

Production Area: 6.63 hectare

Coffee production: 35,000 Kg dried Parchment Coffee

Conservation Area: 0.25 Hectare

Coffee Varietals: Caturra, Castillo, Colombia

Certifications: Rainforest Alliance

Average Precipitation: 1,265mm

Average Temp: 20.0 C


Alirio Perdomo was born in Pitalito. He has been a coffee farmer for 17 years. He bought a hectare of land covered by weeds. Then he and his wife Ernestina Chito planted 5,000 coffee trees. They worked in other farms during three days per week to get some money. After that they worked on his small farm. Little by little with their effort they could increase the size of their farm and their family. Currently they have three children and the farm has 9 hectares.

Crop Management

Pest and Disease Control: Llaga macana and coffee leaf rust

Weeds Control: Herbicide and Mechanical

Fertilization: Chemical

Organic Matter Application: 8.633 Kg/Year